Natural disaster
I sympathize with the victims of the hurricane that recently devastated several states (“Storm Warning,” Oct. 9).
They must get all possible aid from both government and private sources. Just like after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, all Americans must work together to help the unfortunate victims of the disaster. There should not be partisan bickering.
Georgia’s Republican governor is working together with President Biden to help the people of Georgia. This is the right approach and is the same kind of bipartisanship that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie demonstrated after Superstorm Sandy. He was called a traitor by many Republicans because he had the audacity to work with President Barack Obama, a Democrat.

Even though Gov. Brian Kemp supports former President Donald Trump, recently he acknowledged that Biden has been very helpful in aiding Georgia. What a contrast from Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis, who have downplayed Biden’s assistance during this tragedy.
Alan Podhaizer, Brooklyn
It takes a village
As a New Yorker and a father, I have to say that this Maryland dad has to have his head examined (“Dad: U can’t be too careful,” Oct. 6).
Obviously, his daughter has the grades to be admitted to NYU, and he’s wealthy enough to afford the tuition and a bodyguard to keep her safe.
However, NYU, Columbia or any New York City college would be the last place I would send my kid. The city crime statistics speak for themselves, but there is something more insidious that has infected these once-great institutions.
Protests, blatant antisemitism and feckless administrators have reduced these schools to DEI training camps for progressive intolerance and censorship that stifles any chance of enlightenment or independent growth. Save your money, dad: Send your daughter some place else.
Michael D’Auria, Bronxville
Governor attack
Perhaps the violent attack on former Gov. David Patterson on the Upper East Side will finally alert the powers that be that the current system of justice simply isn’t working (“Former Gov. David Paterson says attackers can ‘rot in hell,’ ” Oct. 7).
These thugs need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and soft DAs need to be voted out.
C’mon, folks; wake up.
Tony Forlenza, Yonkers
Macron gone mad
France’s President Emmanuel Macron is demanding that Israel call an immediate cease-fire (“Israel stands alone in fight,” Michael Goodwin, Oct. 7).
France has halted its arms sales to Israel. Do France’s people want Israel to succumb to Iran? Does Macron?
As we’ve seen: Appeasement no longer works, only strength.
Joe Markovic, Boynton Beach, Fla.
More of the same
President Biden’s recent appearance at Press Secretary (and now senior adviser) Karine-Jean Pierre’s briefing clearly demonstrated why the Dem top dogs have been keeping him hidden (“Blaming ‘pooring’ rain,” Oct. 4).
Besides the usual mumbling syntax, his comments solidified Vice President Kamala Harris’ close “working relationship and decision making” with Biden on the many policies implemented these past four years.
Biden was very clear that their thoughts intertwined and were in lockstep at all times. It is obvious that Harris is nothing but a puppet at the beck and call of the Democratic big-wigs.
Alice Daly, Mahopac
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